Legal Compliance & Audit Readiness
Prepare for Audits with Document Management
A DMS solution enables you to easily demonstrate a document’s full history. A simple overview of the document creation date, modification dates, who edited the document and when, as well as the archive settings. Companies must be able to place documents in a safe, reliable digital storage medium so that they cannot be tampered with and are safe from manipulation. Legal data protection requirements mean that companies are required to provide evidence as to exactly how documents arrive at a company, as well as how they leave, and everything in between: including new versions, modifications, and deletions.
Your company can use the AMAGNO ECM solution to prepare for an audit, or achieve legal compliance to other standards, by taking advantage of the variety of functions, settings and permissions system. Thanks to seamless automated workflows and automatic data capture, storage and transfer, you can find and produce all the information you need in seconds. As a Software designed and built to provide you with audit security, AMAGNO supports the storage of receipts in compliance with tax regulations and legal standards, preventing the manipulation and deletion of files.
Control retention periods and set deletion deadlines
Never miss another deadline for legally required document retention or deletion.
Automatic email archiving
Automatic email import can guarantee compliance with corporate or legal standards.
Legally required archiving of invoices and receipts
Automated version management and user permission options protect your data.
Version Control Management for Audit Readiness
With the clear and powerful AMAGNO versioning you can always see who has edited files, as well as when and how. Compare changes at a glance, without opening the file. Documents can be checked out for editing and then released again for other users. Easily prevent duplicates and make sure you are all working on the same version.
Prepare for Audits with Invoice Archiving and Storage
Scan your receipts, invoices and other bookkeeping documents and make them fully-searchable with AMAGNO. Stop printing out electronic invoices and receipts and archiving them with on paper, use the power of digitalisation to access all your files in one, audit-proof archive. Find what you need in seconds and meet legal archive requirements.
Automatically Take Care of Retention & Deletion
Companies have to comply with and manage numerous different retention periods and deletion deadlines for different documents and files. With AMAGNO you can set retention periods which protect the document from being tampered with, or any unwanted modifications. The AMAGNO DMS also allows you to set deletion reminders.
Tamper-Proof Document Protection & Storage
Use AMAGNO File Storage to protect your documents from intentional or accidental manipulation. With the most complete configurable permissions system on the software market, make sure you only give access to the people who need it. AMAGNO generates internal authenticity certificates for your data to check its consistency and detect any manipulations.