
10. September 2021

Sustainability: A question of mindset?

Sustainability: A question of mindset?

Think sustainably. Work sustainably. Live sustainably. The term sustainability seems to follow us around like a dog follows a bone. After all, sustainability, climate protection and environmental awareness have long since made themselves at home with us: We avoid plastic, think about the pros and cons of electric cars and opt for long-lasting products instead of moving out again tomorrow. Some are more influenced by minimalism, buying regionally, seasonally and consuming only what they really “need.” Others commute to work in a sports car and buy whatever they feel like, but reach for organic products when it comes to food.

As different as the two types of consumers may be, they have one thing in common: environmental awareness, which is increasing among them by the day. It would be easy to condemn the second figure for its actions. The only question is whether it makes sense to confront him with a raised forefinger. It seems much more sensible to inspire him, to tell him about slow fashion, sustainable travel and climate-friendly mobility, without reprimanding his lifestyle.

Companies rely on sustainability experts


Not only in the private sphere, but also in the professional sphere, this way of thinking is being heard. This is because many companies are aware that they can set a good example when it comes to sustainability: Through intelligent process chains, fair production conditions and a readjustment of their corporate philosophy, which is ultimately reflected in their products. The “little people” who actively drive these sustainable changes are often found in environmental and sustainability management. They have made it their business to analyze existing processes and give them a sustainable character through smart ideas, clever approaches and the use of innovative technologies.

MAMAGNO also has these little brownies who, by motivating their colleagues and providing valuable food for thought, help the company to act a little more sustainably, bit by bit. After all, it’s not just about us. Our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, great-great-great-grandchildren, great-great-great-grandchildren…. shall still experience a beautiful life on our beautiful planet. This does not mean that from now on we turn all our processes from left to right and practice renunciation. It is rather about raising our awareness for ourselves and our environment and being ready to walk a sustainable path. For us. For you. For everyone.

In conversations, our Green Team is asked time and again how companies can start acting more sustainably. That’s why our sustainability team came up with 5 tips that can help companies make their products, production chains, and distribution more sustainable:

goal - Sustainability: A question of mindset?

1. The destination of the trip must be clearly defined


As with almost everything, one central question should hover over all action: “What do we want to achieve by implementing our idea?” Once the goal is clearly defined, the path to it can be taken without detours. Our Green Team also made this experience: because they were bubbling over with ideas and zest for action, they smoothly forgot their goal and started their projects. But they quickly realized that they had forgotten something very important… And with a precise goal in mind, they found that they could not only make their plans faster, but also more efficient.

communication - Sustainability: A question of mindset?

2. Sustainable communication is worth its weight in gold


Whoever talks to each other and exchanges ideas not only works in a goal-oriented manner, but also more efficiently. In our customer projects, we also notice time and again that communication and participation not only brighten up the working atmosphere, but also motivate people. That’s why our Green Team first presents their ideas to the plenum before they are implemented. Colleagues often have valuable suggestions that can be taken into account.

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3. Crank down energy consumption.

Saving energy seems to be turning into a major challenge for many. With the increasing number of digital devices, this is no wonder. But the solution is quickly found: Devices that are not or only rarely used can be disconnected from the power supply, PCs and monitors can be switched off after work, or motion detectors can be installed. Also multiple sockets with integrated timer are used gladly, in order to send electrical appliances after done work into their well-deserved closing time.


money box - Sustainability: A question of mindset?

4. Using raw materials sustainably

During our work, we burn up quite a few resources. Paper, for example. On average, one employee uses 30 sheets of paper per day. Projected over the year, that’s about a quarter of a ton per person – phew. Quite a lot. However, many precious resources can be minimized automatically with digital processes and workflows. Digital conferences, meetings and workshops, for example, not only save time and money. By the way, they also protect the environment.

broken link - Sustainability: A question of mindset?

5. Adapt internal process chains in a sustainable way


Many internal processes can be optimized and made sustainable with relatively little effort. Small actions such as switching from paper towels to hand towels or using a company bicycle instead of a car to cover short distances can already have a major positive impact on the company. Modern technologies or the restructuring of production chains further support the company in reducing their ecological footprint. But actions don’t always have to be big and expensive. Sometimes it’s the little things that add the most value.

So. Now we’ve given you lots of small and big ideas on how to give your business a more sustainable shine. We, too, grow with our tasks every day and sometimes fall flat on our faces. Even if some paths turned out to be wrong in retrospect, we grew from them and were able to learn our lessons. And we are still a long way from reaching our goal in terms of sustainability. But we are happy to learn new things every day and to take new paths step by step that will help us leave a world worth living in for future generations.

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Jens Büscher
Jens Büscher, founder & CEO. After a successful stint as Product Manager at RedDot Solutions AG (now OpenText) he founded AMAGNO as an innovative Enterprise Content Management solution in 2010.

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